Pump Testing

Ruthman Companies’ pump testing capabilities allow us to verify performance and troubleshoot repairs under conditions that match your application.

One of the benefits of being part of a group of companies like Ruthman is access to a wider array of resources. Across our many facilities, we have the ability to test any of our pumps, under virtually any operating condition. This allows us to verify with certainty that a pump will perform as promised, and accurately pinpoint problems when pumps come in for repair.

With a 27,000 gallon capacity, and a 26 foot deep well, our large test tank can test both horizontal and vertical pumps. It handles flows of up to 6,000 gallons per minute, through 8 inch pipe, with motors of up to 600 horsepower.

To test pumps for hot liquid applications under real-life operating conditions, our heated test tank reaches up to 185 degrees. We also maintain an oil tank to test pumps that operate in similarly viscous fluids.

Our Michigan testing facility has a 12-foot depth and a capacity of 15,000 gallons, with space to test up to four pumps simultaneously. It can accommodate flows of up to 800 gpm and motors of up to 300 horsepower.

For heavy duty pump testing, our Illinois facility’s tank has a maximum depth of 10 feet.  It has both 4- and 10-foot flow lines, which can handle pumps with flows of 7,500 gallons per minute and maximum head of 250 feet.

Pump Test Tank

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